效阔水晶眼睛是护眼及改善身体器官问题的保健饮品。它是100%全天然成分,安全的功能性饮品。 Cellglo Crystal Eyes is a health drink that protects the eyes and improves body organ problems. It is a 100% all-natural and safe functional drink. 想知道为什么它那么厉害?因为它里面含有这9种天然水果成分和这两种主要成分, 那就是叶黄素和虾青素! Do you want to know why it is so powerful? Because it it contains the nine natural fruit ingredients and the two main components, that is, lutein and astaxanthin!
1) 叶黄素 (LUTEIN) 叶黄素有助于保护你的眼睛和皮肤免受紫外线(UV)损伤;其黄色阻挡了蓝色(UV)吸收光。有研究表明,叶黄素减少皮肤发炎和红肿,也有利于防止皮肤癌。叶黄素可能有助于预防或减缓会导致动脉阻塞进而造成心血管疾病的动脉粥样硬化。 Lutein helps protect your eyes and skin from ultraviolet (UV) damage; its yellow color blocks blue (UV) light from absorption. Studies have shown that lutein reduce inflammation and redness in the skin and also help prevent skin cancer. Lutein may help to prevent or slow down atherosclerosis, a condition that causes the arteries to clog and often lead to cardiovascular disease. 2) 虾青素 (ASTAXANTHIN) 虾青素是世界上最强大的抗氧化剂营养素之一,拥有超过10倍抗氧化能力于其他类胡萝卜素。虾青素是类胡萝卜素家族中的叶黄素类的天然色素之一。这胡萝卜素被植物利用来生存。类似Α-硫辛酸,它可以达到你的身体每一个细胞,对抗伤害你身体细胞的自由基。它不仅保护你的大脑神经系统,且被吸收到你的眼睛,保护您的视力。
Astaxanthin is one of the world’s most powerful anti-oxidant nutrients and is over ten times potent than other carotenoids in this earth. Astaxanthin is one of a group of natural pigments known as Xanthophylls from carotenoid family. This carotenoids are plant chemicals use by the plant to survive. Similar to alpha lipoic acid, it can reach in to each and every cell in your body, fighting free radicals that would otherwise harm those cells. It can pass into your brain to protect not only your brain, but also your nerves system as well. It can be absorbed into your eyes to protect your vision.
3) 黑醋栗 (BLACKCURRANT BERRY) 黑醋栗含有许多维生素和矿物质,如维生素C,A,B6,B12,E,钾,钙,铁,镁和锌。它具有各种好处,帮助减轻更年期症状如浮躁,疲倦,牙齿和牙龈问题,稀疏的头发,静脉曲张,狼疮和皮肤疾病,如湿疹,牛皮癣,减少炎症和指甲变脆。 Black current berry contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, A, B6, B12, E, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Zine. It has the variety of health benefits that can help relieve including Menopausal symptoms, calmness, tiredness, teeth and gum problems, thinning of the hair, varicose veins, lupus and skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, reduce inflammation and brittle nails. 4) 山桑子 (BILBERRY) 山桑子可以治疗各种疾病,如尿道感染,肾结石,腹泻,夜间视力。科学研究已经发现,山桑子含有两种化合物,花青素和单宁。花青素改善微小血管,保持眼睛健康,减缓视力丧失,有利于静脉曲张和痔疮。 单宁则可以治疗腹泻,喉咙痛,口腔炎症,增强红血细胞,并有降低胆固醇的效果。 Bilberry can treat various disease such as urinary tract infections, kidneys stones, diarrhea and poor night vision. Scientific research have discovered that bilberry contain two compounds Anthocyanosides and Tannins. Anthocyanosides improve the blood flow to the tiny vessels that keep the eyes healthy to slow down visual loss, help varicose vein, and haemorrhoids. Tannis help treat diarrhea, sore throats, mouth inflammations, improve red blood cells, and has cholesterol lowering effects. 5) 蓝莓 (BLUEBERRY) 根据在2009年生物实验协会会议提出的一项研究显示,蓝莓可以降低血胆固醇水平,进而防止心脏疾病,糖尿病,减少腹部脂肪,代谢综合症,改善大脑健康,便秘,并抑制结肠癌细胞,尿道炎症和心血管疾病。 According to a study presented at the 2009 Experimental Biology Conference, blueberry can lower blood cholesterol levels, heart disease, diabetes, reduce belly fat, metabolic syndrome, improve brain health, constipation, inhibit colon cancer cell, urinary tract, inflammation and cardiovascular disease. 6) 蔓越莓 (CRANBERRY) 酸果蔓是有益的,因为它减少坏胆固醇(LDL),增加血液中的好胆固醇(HDL)。这样增加了血液流向心脏。因此它有利于预防心脏疾病,中风,预防衰老,抑制癌细胞生长,增强免疫系统,牙齿健康,胃,溃疡和防止肾结石,抑制有害细菌的生长。 Cranberries are beneficial as it decrease bad cholestrol (LDL) and increase good cholestrol (HDL) in blood. Thus it increase blood flow towards the heart. So it is beneficial in preventing heart disease, stroke, preventing aging, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, boost immune system, teeth health, ulcer, inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in stomach and preventing kidney stone. 7) 接骨木莓 (ELDERBERRY) 接骨木莓包含了治疗哮喘,咳嗽,感冒,咽喉肿痛,支气管炎,癌症等。它含有凝集素,可以逐出肺粘液,清除因细菌或病毒感染的鼻窦和鼻道拥塞。它打击并抑制癌症,改善肾功能,保护心脏,降低低密度脂蛋白,增加高密度脂蛋白。对于皮肤,它减少深色斑纹和皮肤的污点,减少粉刺,更有利于我们的头发看起来更顺畅。 Elderberry benefits that range from asthma, cough, flu, sore throat and bronchitis to cancer treatment. This elderberry contain agglutinins which can also explusion of mucus from the lungs and it can clears the sinuses and nasal passage congested due to bacterial or viral infections. It has the ability to fight and suppress cancer, improves kidney function, and protects the heart, reduce LDL and increase HDL. For skin, it reduce the appearance of dark spots and blemishes, reduce acne and also help our hair to smoother.
8) 树莓 (RASPBERRY) 树莓含有丰富的维生素和纤维。它是低糖水果,对糖尿病人可是好消息。它含有鞣花酸,有助于防止细胞被自由基破坏,亦有癌症的防护功能。 Raspberry are rich source of vitamin and fiber. They are low-glycemic fruits that has a minimal impact on blood glucose, good news for diabetics person. It’s contain ellagic acid which help prevent cell damage by free radicals and has cancer protective properties. 9) 红葡萄 (RED GRAPE) 红葡萄含黄酮类化合物,赋予其绚丽的色彩。他们拥有槲皮黄酮和白藜芦醇,科学界已经发现了他们的预防疾病的种种素质。这两个类黄酮的抗癌特性和抗发炎的好处还在不断被发现。另外,红提葡萄具有高抗肿瘤特性。 Red grape has the flavonoids which give red grape their brilliant color. They have two types of flavonoids called Quercitin and Resverotal and know for their disease prevention qualities. This two flavonoid shown to increase expectancy as well as anti-cancer properties and anti-inflammatory benefits. Red grape are high insaponis which have anti-tumor properties. 10) 草莓 (STRAWBERRY) 草莓的膳食纤维有助于保持定期的消化,以及降低血压和防止暴饮暴食。它们与药物阿司匹林和布洛芬一样拥有抑制酶环氧合酶(COX)的能力。草莓是众所周知能对抗许多不同形式的癌症和抵御潜在的癌细胞的天然水果。它含有我们身体需要的锰,维生素K。 The dietary fiber in strawberry helps to keep digestion regular, as well as lowers blood pressure and curbs overeating. It’s inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) in the same way the drugs aspirin and ibuprofen do. Strawberry is well-known to fight against the on set of many different forms of cancer and defense against potentially cancerous cells. Strawberry contain manganese, Vitamin K, and magnesium are also important for our bone health. 11) 苹果酸(青苹果)(MALIC ACID, GREEN APPLE) 一天一个苹果,因为它对身体,心灵和皮肤的好处太奇妙了。苹果提高能量水平,进而降低疲劳。纤维肌痛和慢性疲劳综合症(CFS)患者,劳动者通过吃苹果酸可减少肌肉的磨损和疲劳。苹果酸对消化极有帮助,有利于消除有毒的重金属,如铝和锶,这些都是对大脑和肝脏非常危险的。它亦可以加强精神警觉性,减少老化的迹象,包括皱纹,黑斑,色斑,暗哑,粉刺和肌肤。另外,苹果酸对口腔健康十分有帮助。 One apple a day, as it has wonderful benefits for the body, mind and skin. Malic acid energizes the body thus reduces fatigue and improve energy levels such as patients of fibromyalgia and CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), body builders eat malic acid to minimize muscle wear and fatigue. Malic Acid is great for digestion, help to eliminate heavy toxic metals such as aluminium and strontium are dangerous for brain and liver health. It can also increase mental alertness and promote aging signs including wrinckles, dark spots, discolorations, dullness, pimples and younger looking skin. Malic acid is good for oral health such as gum and teeth. 为什么市面上那么多护眼产品,那么多Vitamin C, E 保健品, 我还是选择它当我的护眼保健品?第一个原因是它除了改善11种眼睛问题,保护视力还有助于身体保健! 看看下图吧: Why are so many eye care products available in the market, so much Vitamin C, E health care products, I chose it as my eye care products? The first reason I chose it as my eye care product is because it can improve body health besides improve 11 kinds of eye problems and protect my eyesight. Take a look at the picture below:
老年性黄斑部病变( AMD)的症状 Symptoms of Age Related Macular Degeneration:
Age-related macular degeneration is usually a linear distortion. This may progress to the gradual loss of central vision. This can also cause dark and blurred images. People with poor macular health can cause oxidative stress in the retina, resulting in loss of vision for life.
眼睛干燥(干燥性角结膜炎)的症状 Symptoms of dry eyes:
一个普遍常见的疾病,其特征是在我们眼睛的泪膜扰动。这可能会导致眼睛不安,出现红血丝。 A commonly seen disease characterized by tear film perturbations in our eyes. This can cause eye strain and redness.
The opaque lens of the cataract can damage vision. More than half of the population faces this eye disease in the world.People aged 65 years and above are likely to have symptoms of cataracts.
飞蚊症的症状 Symptoms of Floaters:
Floaters are moving dots appear in your field of vision. They may be obvious when you are looking at bright things like white paper or blue sky.
Open-angle glaucoma is often referred to as "the sneak sneak sight" because it has no symptoms until significant visual loss has occurred. It is an eye disease in which the intraocular pressure continues to rise, continuous high intraocular pressure can cause vision damage, if not treated in time, it will cause blinking. Glaucoma is one of the three general blindness causes blindness in humans.
The most common symptoms are blurred vision or double vision. People with astigmatism can't see things near and far. If you do not squinting to see things will be difficult to concentrate.
Lazy eyes generally occur in childhood. There is a problem with the development of monocular vision, which leads to long-term obstruction of vision in this eye. If left untreated, it can cause amblyopia problems.
近视症状 Myopia Symptoms:
看远处的物体有困难,但近距离看书和电脑能看得很清楚。 It is difficult to see objects in the distance, but reading books and computers at close distances can be seen clearly.
The cause of presbyopia is the appearance of aging in the eyes. The eyes cannot focus on the close objects. Therefore, when the patient is reading or using the computer at a close distance, the sight becomes blurred.
The initial phenomenon of detached retina is a sudden drop in vision, a black shadow in the field of view, or astigmatism, and may also cause symptoms of floaters.
夜盲症症状 Symptoms of Night Blindness:
I can't see things in the dark or in low light. It is difficult for patients to drive in the evening and at night.
第二个原因是因为里面的这两个成分远远强过过维生素 C,CoQ10,绿茶儿茶素,维生素E。 The second reason is that lutein and astaxanthin in the crystal eye are far stronger than vitamin C, CoQ10, green tea catechin, and vitamin E.
第三个原因是我没办法在我的日常饮食当中摄取到最好的叶黄素和虾青素。可能有些人还不明白什么是叶黄素和虾青素: The third reason is that I can't get the best lutein and astaxanthin in my daily diet. Some people may not understand what is lutein and astaxanthin:
叶黄素是人体本身无法制造的营养, 若缺乏这种元素,眼睛就会失明。人们通常会从一些水果蔬菜来摄取叶黄素。可是,在蔬菜里的叶黄素属于胡萝卜素,但是并非叶黄素里最好的食物。再说,一般人一天可吃到4公斤的蔬果吗?尤其是小孩。 Lutein is a nutrient that the body itself cannot make. If this element is absent, the eyes will be blind. People usually take lutein from some fruits and vegetables. However, lutein in vegetables is a carotene, but it is not the best food in lutein. Besides, a person can eat 4 kilograms of fruits and vegetables a day? Especially children.
The lutein in the crystal eye is a marigold flower from Switzerland. It is a lutein in non-general eye care products. The lutein in most eye care products in the market is from China.
This lutein comes from the Swizerland marigold flower petals, more precisely from lutein esters. Lutein plays an important role in antioxidants in the body, in the health of the eyes and skin. According to medical research, he has a strong antioxidant effect and gives these plants red, orange and yellow. As a phytonutrient, lutein is responsible for repairing free radical damage and increasing protection against cancer.
Lutein also protects the eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays and the damage caused by harmful blue light from computers, TV screens, smartphones and tablets.Many medical studies have shown that lutein reduces inflammation and redness in the skin and may even prevent the risk of skin cancer. Researchers everywhere have concluded that a rich diet of lutein is important toprevent diseases of the eyes, skin, blood, liver, lungs, heart, stroke, stomach, kidney, brain, uterus, head,organs and prevent cancer.
Difference between other lutein and lutein in Crystal Eye:
1. 我们的叶黄素来自叶黄素酯,中国的叶黄素并不是来自叶黄素酯哦。
Our lutein is derived from lutein ester, and Chinese lutein is not from lutein ester.
叶黄素本身的光、热稳定性,以及对人体PH值的耐受范围均不如叶黄素酯,在储存过程以及人体服用过程中会由于以上因素,导致叶黄素生物利用度较低。The light and heat stability of lutein itself, as well as the tolerance to human PH value, are not as good as lutein ester. In the process of storage and human body administration, the bioavailability of lutein is low due to the above factors.
通过科学的实验过程最终发现,叶黄素酯不但可以在人体内自然水解成游离叶黄素,并且比叶黄素晶体的生物利用度高出61.6% 。Through scientific experiments, it was finally discovered that lutein ester can be hydrolyzed into free lutein in the human body, and it is 61.6% higher than the bioavailability of lutein crystals.
实验证明,叶黄素在胃部酸性环境下降解,叶黄素酯则不降解。Experiments have shown that lutein degrades in the acidic environment of the stomach and lutein ester does not degrade.
2. 水晶眼睛用的叶黄素分子比较细致,别的叶黄素分子没那么细致,不好吸收
The lutein molecules used in crystal eyes are relatively fine, other lutein molecules are not so fine, and are not well absorbed.
3. 水晶眼睛里的叶黄素来自瑞士万寿菊花瓣, 外面有些产品里的叶黄素来历不明,有些还添加色素
The lutein in the Crystal Eyes comes from the Swizerland Marigold flower petals, and the lutein in some products is unknown. Some of them also add pigments.
Astaxanthin is one of the world's most powerful antioxidant nutrients, with more than 10 times the antioxidant capacity of other carotenoids. Astaxanthin is available from seafood such as shrimp, crab and salmon. Since not everyone is suitable for seafood, some people are sensitive to seafood, some are vegetarians, so the astaxanthin that we use is absolutely natural without any animal ingredients. Does anyone in the market use shrimp or seafood to make astaxanthin? 'Yes'!
But the Crystal Eye uses natural astaxanthin. Natural astaxanthin is the world's most powerful natural antioxidant king. It can effectively remove free radicals from cells and enhance cell regeneration, maintain our body balance and reduce the accumulation of aging cells. Astaxanthin in the Crystal Eye belongs to an algae. It is extremely rich in the polar ocean imperial family and is a very natural carotenoid. Astaxanthin protects our brain, nerve systems and eyes.It also increases physical endurance, reduces the risk of muscle damage, and relieves eye fatigue and improves visual sensitivity.
Comparison of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis with other marine life
以一克作为单位 One gram as a unit
鲑鱼含有万分之5-40 克虾青素 Squid contains 5-40 grams of astaxanthin
磷虾含有万分之120克虾青素 Krill contains 120 grams of astaxanthin
虾含有万分之1200克虾青素 Shrimp contains 1200 grams of astaxanthin
海洋微藻 (红球藻)含有万分之40000克虾青素
Marine microalgae (Haematococcus Pluvialis) contains 40,000 grams of astaxanthin
The third reason is because the Crystal Eye are powder. It is a very functional food that is absorbed by the blood and body for 15 minutes and absorbed by the eyes for 30 minutes. In this market, looking for powdered eye care products are more difficult. Most eye care products are capsule-shaped. What is the different between powder and capsule?The crystal eyes we drink today are powder, 98% - 100% completely absorbed into our body, our stomach. If it is a capsule, it is not good for the body, and secondly, the absorption capacity is not good. Because the stomach can only absorb 5% - 18% of the capsule. Eating too many capsules does not help the eyes and can destroy kidneys.
The fourth reason is that Crystal Eyes are all natural botanical ingredients without chemicals!
The fifth reason is that I can drink Crystal Eyes safely. The product is safe. Cellglo Crystal Eye has SGS International Safety Certification, QBE 1 million Product Liability Insurance, HALAL Certification, FDA Certification, KKM Approval and USM Testing.
SGS, founded in 1878 (137 years), is a leading multinational company. It has approximately 75,000 employees and operates more than 1,500 branches and laboratories worldwide. The core services provided through SGS include: inspection and verification, quality and performance of various health, safety and regulatory standards, and to ensure that products comply with government standards and requirements.
OLICELL公司集团在马来西亚,新加坡,香港和中国(深圳)办公室。所有效阔产品责任险是由保险公司QBE澳大利亚昆士兰保险。 OLICELL Group company offices in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and China (Shenzhen). Cellglo product liability insurance is covered by the insurance company QBE Australia Queensland Insurance.
清真证书 HALAL certification
什么是FDA?FDA是美国食品药物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)的英文缩写,它是国际医疗审核权威机构,由美国国会即联邦政府授权,专门从事食品与药品管理的最高执法机关。FDA是一个由医生、律师、微生物学家、药理学家、化学家和统计学家等专业人士组成的致力于保护、促进和提高国民健康的政府卫生管制的监控机构。通过FDA认证的食品、药品、化妆品和医疗器具对人体是确保安全而有效的。在美国等近百个国家,只有通过了FDA认可的材料、器械和技术才能进行商业化临床应用。
What is FDA?The FDA is the English abbreviation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is the international medical review authority and is authorized by the US Congress, the federal government, to specialize in the highest law enforcement agencies for food and drug management. The FDA is a government health control monitoring agency that is dedicated to protecting, promoting and improving national health, consisting of professionals such as doctors, lawyers, microbiologists, pharmacologists, chemists and statisticians. FDA-approved foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and medical devices are safe and effective for the human body. In nearly 100 countries, such as the United States, only commercial, clinical applications can be made through FDA-approved materials, devices, and technologies.
The Crystal Eye treatment is from the first day to the tenth day, two packs a day in the morning, and one pack a day afterwards.
Take it on an empty stomach every morning, avoid taking irritating foods (coffee, pepper, wine) within 30 minutes of taking crystal eyes.
You can have breakfast after taking crystal eyes for 30 minutes.
(If you have a stomachache problem, you can eating something before drinking.)
* Drink crystal eyes on an empty stomach and have the best absorption capacity.
After 15 minutes, the blood and organs were absorbed, and after 30 minutes, the eyes absorbed nutrients.
Remember to use 150ml of "mineral water" or filter water. Mineral water contains minerals, and Crystal Eyes with natural ingredients can achieve the best and most effective results. Do not use boiled water.
It is best to check the eye degree before drinking, or else you don’t know if your eye degree have risen. After drinking it for a month, you can see the difference.
* Children under 5 years old can drink half a pack a day, children over 5 years old can drink a pack a day.
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You don't need to ask any Cellglo agent for the price at all, because the price of Cellglo products is FIXED PRICE within Malaysia. You can see cheaper prices on other shopping platforms, so don't blame me for not reminding you, the company has issued a document saying that products purchased on Lazada, 11street, shopee and other shopping platforms are not recognized! It means that there is something wrong after you buy it, the company will not be responsible! The sellers who usually sell the products at prices below Olicell Company authorised price are in order to clear the goods, and want to quickly sell the goods that are going to expire, otherwise you may not receive the goods when you buy the goods, and you can't find someone to do the after-sales service for you. We are 100% qualified company, promise to give you the best and most professional service!