Cellglo 植物胎盘素( Cellglo Creme 21)
采用法国Hydro提取技术,我们生产出最优质,最优质的多种植物提取物,具有强效嫩肤功效,能够紧致肌肤。我们的配方可以深入皮肤真皮层,从而非常有效地减少皱纹,促进更年轻,更健康的面部肤色。我们的Cellglò Creme21是一种先进的专利水力提取混合物,富含植物蛋白,氨基酸和生物刺激素。虽然不含来自任何动物成分,但我们的Cellglò Creme21植物胎盘来源于水解野生大豆蛋白凝胶,取代了哺乳动物胎盘的成分。Cellglò Crème21的设计旨在为您的肌肤带来光泽,完美无瑕的妆容和整体肌肤。
Produced by state of art technology of Hydro extraction from France, we produce the finest and most excellent quality of numerous botanical extracts with potent rejuvenating properties that firms and tones your skin. Our formulations can penetrates deep into the skin dermis thus very effectively reducing wrinkle lines and promoting a younger healthier looking facial complexion. Our Cellglò Creme 21 is an advanced proprietary hydro extraction blend that is super rich with plants protein, amino acids and biostimulins. While containing no components from any animal parts origin, our Cellglò Creme 21 phyto-placenta is derived from hydrolyzed Wild Soy bean protein gel and is designed to offer a composition that mimics the natural biological effects of mammal placenta. To maintain youthfulness, it demonstrates activity of stimulation of the cellular turnover on all skin cell growth and renewal by using its origins process call Natural Transdermal Absorption. Cellglò Crème 21 is design to bring back your skin the radiance, flawless look and firm up skin holistically.
它也叫做神奇霜或2合1细亮霜!为什么会说它是2合1? 2合1 =脸部+ 肌肤。
有人应该会惊讶,因为通常拿来搽脸或身体的 cream 应该不可以吃到,所以不可以搽在嘴巴里面。
It is also called magic cream or 2-in-1 cream! Why do you say it is 2 in 1? 2in1=face+body. A cream that can be used all over the body, including inside the mouth! So, this is enough to prove that it is made with all natural ingredients. Some people may be surprised, because the cream that usually apply to face or body should not be eaten, so it can't be applied inside the mouth.
Now let's see which eight natural ingredients it is made of?
The main ingredients of the Creme 21 is Wild Glycine Soja (Soy)and Wild Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam).
1. 野生大豆 Wild Glycine Soja (Soy)
它还可以逆转衰老,让细胞再生,美白提亮肤色。什么是胶原蛋白?膠原蛋白廣泛分佈於皮膚,骨骼、軟骨、肌腱、韌帶、血管中,目前所知的膠原蛋白種類已超過30種之多,約佔健康人體內總白質組成的33%,是人體總蛋白質含量的第三名,人體皮膚的膠原蛋白類型為第一型膠原蛋白(Type I Collagen ) 及第三型膠原蛋白(Type III Collagen ),第一型膠原蛋白的量最多,佔全部膠原蛋白含量的 90%,其次是第三型膠原蛋白。
It also reverses aging, regenerate cells,whiten and brighten skin. What is collagen?Collagen is widely distributed in the skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Currently, there are more than 30 types of collagen, accounting for 33% of the total protein content in healthy people. It is the total protein content of the human body. Third place, the collagen type of human skin is Type I Collagen and Type III Collagen. The first type of collagen is the most, accounting for 90% of the total collagen content. , followed by type III collagen.
第一型膠原蛋白(Type I collagen) :除了軟骨之外,皮膚、肌腱、血管、臟器、骨頭都含有大量的第一型膠原蛋白,還能在受傷時幫助復原傷口,約佔總量的90%。In addition to cartilage, skin, tendons, blood vessels, organs, and bones contain a large amount of type I collagen, which can help restore wounds when injured, accounting for about 90% of the total.
第二型胶原蛋白(Type II collagen) : 在软骨、玻璃体、椎间盘等 In cartilage, vitreous, intervertebral disc, etc.
第二型胶原蛋白(Type II collagen) : 在软骨、玻璃体、椎间盘等 In cartilage, vitreous, intervertebral disc, etc.
第三型膠原蛋白(Type III collagen):在血管及內臟都可見到,與第一型膠原蛋白的結構相似。It is visible in both blood vessels and internal organs, similar to the structure of type I collagen.
I 型胶原蛋白和 III 型 胶原蛋白与皮肤损伤修复过程和修复质量紧密相关。正常婴儿的皮肤有80%III 型胶原蛋白,随着生长发育,III 型胶原不断减少, I 型胶原不断增加。成人的皮肤含有80% 1 型胶原蛋白,20% III 型胶原蛋白。在合成过程中,婴儿肌体与成年肌体比较:婴儿皮肤的Ⅲ型胶原蛋白比Ⅰ型胶原蛋白值高出80%。婴儿无瘢痕愈合机制是由于婴儿皮肤较强的III 型胶原的合成能力。在创伤修复过程中,从骨髓来源的干细胞分化成的成纤维细胞起着关键的核心作用能合成 III 型胶原蛋白, I型和III型胶原蛋白主要存在皮肤、肌腱、韧带、血管等结缔组织,构成细胞外基质网状结构,起到支撑器官、保护机体的作用,还与细胞附着、细胞迁移有关。
Type I collagen and type III collagen are closely related to the skin damage repair process and quality of repair. Normal baby's skin has 80% type III collagen. With growth and development, type III collagen is decreasing and type I collagen is increasing. Adult skin contains 80% type I collagen and 20% type III collagen. In the synthesis process, the baby's body is compared with the adult body: the type III collagen of the baby's skin is 80% higher than the type I collagen. In the process of wound repair, fibroblasts differentiated from bone marrow-derived stem cells play a key role in the synthesis of type III collagen. Type I and type III collagen mainly exist in connective tissues such as skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. It constitutes the extracellular matrix structure, plays a role in supporting organs and protecting the body, and is also involved in cell attachment and cell migration.
简单区分皮肤中最重要的胶原蛋白:I型胶原蛋白是相对坚硬的胶原蛋白,III型胶原蛋白是具有弹性的胶原蛋白。The most important collagen in the skin: Type I collagen is a relatively hard collagen, and Type III collagen is a collagen with elasticity.
The amount of type III collagen in infant skin is over 80%, so it has excellent elasticity and repair function. Type III collagen in adult skin is lost due to age, and the adult dermis has no ability to synthesize type III collagen. It can only synthesize type I collagen, so the healing of wounds often leaves scars.
The amount of type III collagen in infant skin is over 80%, so it has excellent elasticity and repair function. Type III collagen in adult skin is lost due to age, and the adult dermis has no ability to synthesize type III collagen. It can only synthesize type I collagen, so the healing of wounds often leaves scars.
With the increase of age, the loss of type III collagen is getting faster and faster. Especially after 25 years old, the synthesis rate of type III collagen in the skin cannot keep up with the rate of loss, and eventually leads to aging such as wrinkles and relaxation.
胶原蛋白在我们人体中有多种重要作用,可以帮助我们的皮肤保持弹性和紧致,让我们保持年轻的面容,但是胶原蛋白流失就会导致皮肤松弛,出现皱纹,各种问题让我们看起来日益衰老,那么,胶原蛋白流失的原因是什么?With the increase of age, the loss of type III collagen is getting faster and faster. Especially after 25 years old, the synthesis rate of type III collagen in the skin cannot keep up with the rate of loss, and eventually leads to aging such as wrinkles and relaxation.
Collagen has many important functions in our body, which can help our skin stay elastic and firm, let us keep a young skin, but the loss of collagen will lead to sagging skin, wrinkles, and various problems make us look aging, what is the cause of collagen loss?
第一 First:自然衰老因素 Natural aging factors
第二 Second:女性特殊原因 (来月经,生育,流产)Special causes for women (to menstruation, childbirth, abortion)
第三 Third:紫外线照射 UV ray
第四 Fourth:不良生活习惯 Bad habits
第五Fifth:压力过大 Over stressed
第六 Sixth:辐射 Radiation
第七 Seventh:环境污染 Environmental pollution
Wild Glycine Soja (Wild soy bean) is a non genetically modified (GMO) plant. Our Phyto-Placenta is derived from this hydrolyzed Wild Soy bean protein gel. It is designed to offer a composition that mimics the natural biological effects of mammal placenta. The functions of Phyto-Placenta in help our skin to develop and form Collagen Type 3. This Collagen Type 3 in many ways helps to maintain the firmness and smoothness of our skin. It works best to reduce wrinkles and fine lines
The skin of children between 4 to 10 years old have 90% Collagen Type 3 and 10% Collagen Type I. Their skin are found to be smooth and without wrinkles.
The skin of adult above 45 years old have only 10% Collagen type 3 and 90% Collagen Type I. Their skin might be found to be smooth but with wrinkles.
2. 毛麦薯蓣(山药根)Wild Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam)
Wild Dioscorea Villosa (wild yam) is a tuberous plant. It was used by Mayan culture as a pain relieve agent and by Chinese as a top grade medicine. It was regarded by Chinese as a main source of more than 50 types of hormone precursor in medical science. Today, wild yam is a popular alternative substance in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRP). It helps to enhance the breasts, preserving youthfulness and stimulate men’s libido. It relaxes the muscles, soothes the nerves, improves circulation of blood and has anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to reduce menstrual cramps for women, anti-spasm and relieving pain. It is also a treatment for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), neuralgia and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, Wild Dioscorea Villosa / Wild Yam is a diuretic. It is found useful for liver cleansing.
3. 芦荟Aloe Barbadensis Leaf (Aloe Vera)
It acts as a curative agent for acne, sun burns and cuts. In addition, it functions as scrub to clean or smooth the skin. Internally, it encourages blood circulation, bowel movement (colon cleaning) and regulates blood sugar. Besides these, it also acts as anti-oxidant that defies aging and as a hormone balancer.
4. 迷迭香叶提取物 Rosemary Leaf Extract
With anti-bacterial property that enhances internal healing processes; prevents hair loss and encourages hair growth; prevents the production of gray, dry or split hairs; removes dandruff; relieves pain; tighten the skin and improves skin tone and elasticity.
5. 葡萄籽油 Grape Seed Oil
含有脂肪酸和维生素E。Contains Fatty Acids and Vitamin E.
Grape seed oil is a proven substance of anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, anti-allergic and anti-aging. It is used to treat dermatitis, eczema, dry and itchy skin, sun burned skin and to reduce age spots. It also helps to reduce the severity of diabetes, high blood pressure and hemorrhoids.
6. 果渣橄榄油 Pomace Olive Oil
It cures split ends of hairs,removes dandruff, moisturizes and reduces stretch mark, and helps to prevent skin cancer. It also enhances the rate of metabolism, reduces cholesterol in the blood, helps in digestion and relieves constipation.
7.荷荷巴油 Jojoba Oil
Known as “Gold of the desert”, produced mainly in dry-desert-like lands. It functions to heal acne, wounds, burned skin, cracked and dehydrated skin. It reduces the visibility of scars, reduces the amount of black head and lubricates dry spot. It allows the skin to look younger and more elastic.
8.葵花籽油 Sunflower Oil
Enriched in Vitamin A, C, D and E. It neutralizes free radicals, protects the skin from infections and diseases, and reduces the visibility of scars. It is used to treat acne, eczema, and sensitive skin that turns red and irritated upon exposing to sunlight.
Cellglo 细亮霜(Creme 21)有什么特别?
What is the special about Cellglo Creme 21?
What is the special about Cellglo Creme 21?
- 它有很多功能。全身都可以使用。It has a lot of functions. It can be used all over the body.
在脸上使用Cellglo Creme 21的前2星期
P/S:做完手部淋巴排毒以后, 必须喝一杯温水
You must have a lymphatic massage in your arm for the first 2 weeks before using Cellglo Creme 21 on your face!!
P/S: After finishing the arm lymphatic massage, you must drink a cup of warm water.
脸部日常使用: | |||||
- 年龄20-30,每天适用一次(1),每次按压一(1)次 – 晚上。 | |||||
- 年龄31-40,每天适用两次(2),每次按压一(1)次 – 早晨,晚上。 | |||||
- 年龄41-55,每天适用两次(2),每次按压两(2)次 - 早晨,晚上。 | |||||
- 年龄56-70,每天适用三次(3),每次按压两(2)次 - 早晨,中午,晚上。 |
Daily usage for face:
- For Age 20-30, apply once (1x) a day with 1 press – Night only
- For Age 31-40, apply twice (2x) a day with 1 press – Morning &Night
- For Age 41-55, apply twice (2x) a day with 2 presses – Morning &Night
- For Age 56-70+, apply triple (3x) a day with 2 presses – Morning, Afternoon &Night.
除此之外,它还可以取代 护唇膏,护发油,身体霜,护肤品(保湿水, 精华,晚霜,日霜,眼霜)
In addition, it can replace lip balm, hair oil, body cream, skin care products (moisturizer,toner, essence, night cream, day cream, eye cream)
In addition, it can replace lip balm, hair oil, body cream, skin care products (moisturizer,toner, essence, night cream, day cream, eye cream)
Apply on hair: Helps to improve dry hair, reduce white hair or ash, make hair more smooth and reduce hair loss.
Apply on lips: reduce lip lines, improve dry and cracked lips, and moisturize lips
Apply in the mouth: improve mouth ulcer
As a body cream: improve dry skin, moisturize, firm, increase skin elasticity, whitening
Apply on wounds: repair wounds, eliminate scars, firming skin, reduce stretch marks
Apply on face: firming skin, moisturizing, anti-aging, reduce fine lines, whitening, brightening, reduce blemishes, face-lifting, restore facial elasticity, improve crow's feet, smile lines and striated lines, eliminate acne, dilute dark circles, improve eye bags
Apply in the mouth: improve mouth ulcer
As a body cream: improve dry skin, moisturize, firm, increase skin elasticity, whitening
Apply on wounds: repair wounds, eliminate scars, firming skin, reduce stretch marks
Apply on face: firming skin, moisturizing, anti-aging, reduce fine lines, whitening, brightening, reduce blemishes, face-lifting, restore facial elasticity, improve crow's feet, smile lines and striated lines, eliminate acne, dilute dark circles, improve eye bags
2. 省钱。有了它,您可以省下买保湿乳,精华液,日霜,夜霜,护唇膏,身体霜,抗痘霜,护发油,眼霜的钱了!
Save money. With it, you can save money on moisturizers, essences, day creams, night creams, lip balms, body creams, acne creams, hair oils, eye creams!
3. 它有安全保障。此外,Cellglo 细亮霜还荣获了不少奖项。同时,它还被刊登在报章和杂志。
It is safe to used. In addition, Cellglo Creme 21 has won many awards. At the same time, it is also published in newspapers and magazines.
产品验证/保险 Product verification/ product liability insurance
It is also published in newspapers and magazines.
4. 它是由全天然成分制成的。孕妇和小孩都可用。素食者也可以使用,因为它通过了清真认证。
It is made from all natural ingredients. Both pregnant women and children also can use Cellglo Creme 21. Vegetarians can also use it because it passes halal certification.
5. 一支 Cellglo Cream21 (30ml) 内含有3000-4000粒野生大豆,而野生大豆一年只收割一次,它可以刺激胶原蛋白III 产生。有些人会问,如果摄取鱼和肉不就可以增加胶原蛋白了吗?其实,鱼和肉吃多了就会导致胆固醇增高。而且,不一定每个鱼/肉/海鲜 都有提供胶原蛋白。需要看海鲜品种!第三点,现在海水,河水,空气都被污染了,您还敢乱吃海鲜,鱼皮,鱼肉吗?它们还可以提供你好质量的胶原蛋白吗?另外,要强调的是 不是每个人都可以吃海鲜,有些人吃海鲜会导致敏感。
A Cellglo Creme21 (30ml) contains 3000-4000 Wild Glycine Soja, while Wild Glycine Soja are harvested once a year, which stimulates collagen III production. Some people may ask, if they consume fish and meat,also can increase collagen in their body?In fact, eating more fish and meat will lead to higher cholesterol. Moreover, not every fish / meat / seafood, are provided with collagen. Need to see seafood varieties! The third point, now the sea, the river, the air are polluted, do you dare to eat seafood, fish skin, fish? Can they also provide you with good quality collagen? In addition, it is important to emphasize that not everyone can eat seafood, and some people will be sensitive to seafood.
6. 它不油腻,不厚重。只需90秒,它里面的天然营养成分就会被吸收到我们的各种器官,产生身体激素!
It is not greasy and not heavy. In just 90 seconds, the natural nutrients in it will be absorbed into our various organs to produce body hormones!
Save money. With it, you can save money on moisturizers, essences, day creams, night creams, lip balms, body creams, acne creams, hair oils, eye creams!
3. 它有安全保障。此外,Cellglo 细亮霜还荣获了不少奖项。同时,它还被刊登在报章和杂志。
It is safe to used. In addition, Cellglo Creme 21 has won many awards. At the same time, it is also published in newspapers and magazines.
It is also published in newspapers and magazines.
4. 它是由全天然成分制成的。孕妇和小孩都可用。素食者也可以使用,因为它通过了清真认证。
It is made from all natural ingredients. Both pregnant women and children also can use Cellglo Creme 21. Vegetarians can also use it because it passes halal certification.
5. 一支 Cellglo Cream21 (30ml) 内含有3000-4000粒野生大豆,而野生大豆一年只收割一次,它可以刺激胶原蛋白III 产生。有些人会问,如果摄取鱼和肉不就可以增加胶原蛋白了吗?其实,鱼和肉吃多了就会导致胆固醇增高。而且,不一定每个鱼/肉/海鲜 都有提供胶原蛋白。需要看海鲜品种!第三点,现在海水,河水,空气都被污染了,您还敢乱吃海鲜,鱼皮,鱼肉吗?它们还可以提供你好质量的胶原蛋白吗?另外,要强调的是 不是每个人都可以吃海鲜,有些人吃海鲜会导致敏感。
A Cellglo Creme21 (30ml) contains 3000-4000 Wild Glycine Soja, while Wild Glycine Soja are harvested once a year, which stimulates collagen III production. Some people may ask, if they consume fish and meat,also can increase collagen in their body?In fact, eating more fish and meat will lead to higher cholesterol. Moreover, not every fish / meat / seafood, are provided with collagen. Need to see seafood varieties! The third point, now the sea, the river, the air are polluted, do you dare to eat seafood, fish skin, fish? Can they also provide you with good quality collagen? In addition, it is important to emphasize that not everyone can eat seafood, and some people will be sensitive to seafood.
6. 它不油腻,不厚重。只需90秒,它里面的天然营养成分就会被吸收到我们的各种器官,产生身体激素!
It is not greasy and not heavy. In just 90 seconds, the natural nutrients in it will be absorbed into our various organs to produce body hormones!
注意事项 :使用Creme 21 前后都不能使用有酒精,果酸,水银成分的产品 (包括面膜),如果两者一起使用,将会造成排斥现象。
Precautions: Products containing alcohol, fruit acid, and mercury (including masks) should not be used before and after Creme 21. If they are used together, it will cause rejection.
Precautions: Products containing alcohol, fruit acid, and mercury (including masks) should not be used before and after Creme 21. If they are used together, it will cause rejection.
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Buy 2 boxes Cellglo Creme 21 now for a discount! Can also become a permanent member directly!
NOT ONLY that !
You can also participate in the Lucky Draw with a value of RM15,000!
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You can see cheaper prices on other shopping platforms, so don't blame me for not reminding you, the company has issued a document saying that products purchased on Lazada, 11street, shopee and other shopping platforms are not recognized! It means that there is something wrong after you buy it, the company will not be responsible!
The sellers who usually sell the products at prices below Olicell Company authorised price are in order to clear the goods, and want to quickly sell the goods that are going to expire, otherwise you may not receive the goods when you buy the goods, and you can't find someone to do the after-sales service for you.
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