Sunday, November 25, 2018

白宝龙 Cellglo Blanc Pur

Trying a lot of body whitening methods still no effect, what should I do?
Whitening injection?So pain!Will there be any side-effects?

Cellglo 白宝龙 Blanc Pur
Your best choice!Follow my method, your skin will become white!
最重要的是, 连黑斑 雀斑 疤痕 都会淡化哦!
The most important thing is that the black spot freckles and scars will fade!

X 打针 X 副作用 X 吃药 X 粉底 

People with dark skin have more melanin. How much melanin your skin has is mainly a matter of your genetic makeup. Sunlight exposure, hormones, skin damage, and exposure to certain chemicals can also affect melanin production. Thus, the black spots, dullness, wrinkles, coarseness, dryness, looseness, yellowness and blotchiness will appear on your skin.

Blanc Pur不仅仅是一种天然的日常饮品,用于美白肌肤,它是一种特殊的保持青春的配方,结合了最有效的美白天然成分。Cellglò Blanc Pur由法国生物化学家专家团队在法国进行多年研究后开发。完全由安全,高品质,纯天然水果和植物制成,采用法国水力提取先进技术提取。Blanc Pur可以被身体有效吸收,发挥其效果,可以在短短31天内立即恢复年轻和有光泽的肌肤!Cellglò Blanc Pur经过临床测试,可以滋润,恢复活力,保护肌肤,同时美白肌肤,效果显着,无副作用。专为改善所有类型的皮肤问题而设计。
We understand your need for white, moisturized, attractive skin. It is a common desire of all women and men today. Blanc Pur is more than just an advance natural daily drink for skin whitening, it is a special youth-preserving formula combining the most effective skin whitening natural ingredients. Cellglò Blanc Pur is developed by a group of Franch Bio-chemist experts after years of research in France. Completely made from safe, high-quality, pure and natural fruits and plants extracted using hydro-extraction advanced technology from France. Blanc Pur can be effectively absorbed by the body to maximize its effects can instantly restore young and lustrous skin to your whole body in just 31 days !! Cellglò Blanc Pur is clinically tested to moisturize, rejuvenate, protect and also whitening your skin with remarkable results and no side effects. Specially designed for recovery on all types of skin problems.

Blanc Pur is a whitening drink that is stronger than whitening injections and lemons, because it contains better whitening ingredients than whitening injections and whitening pills.

Blanc Pur is made from 7 active natural ingredients. Pomegranate and Tremella Fuciformis (Snow Fungus) is the two major ingredients. These two ingredients are the most famous whitening and anti-aging ingredients in the world.

1. 红石榴 Pomegranate
Gently and evenly whitens your skin with super photo nutrients that help to stimulate cell regeneration and prevents incident of acne, dark spots, old spots, uneven colour, and hyper pigmentation.

2. 银耳 (雪耳)Tremella Fuciformis
Tremella Fuciformis Snow Fungus makes your skin moisturise, radiant, smooth, and improves elasticity. Very effective to remove melanin spots in the skin. During the Tang Dynasty, Imperial Concubine Yang Guifei, considered to be the most beautiful woman in Chinese History, used “Snow Fungus” for a facial and body maintenance. 

3. 橄榄果 Olive Fruit 
古希腊,埃及人和罗马人称它为“黄金液体”它还含有亚油酸,可以滋润所有皮肤类型具有治疗疤痕,伤口,擦伤和干燥皮肤的功效Reduces wrinkles and tightens your skin.The Ancient Greek, Egyptians and Romans called it ” Liquid Gold ” It’s also contains linoleic acid for moisture all skin types. Have healing properties on scars, cuts, scrapes and dry skin.

4. 黑姜黄Black Turmeric
Enhances your skin’s ability to regenerate. Also know as curcuma longa is very good for detoxifies the liver and skin anti-inflamation.

5. 嘉种子Chia Seeds
Make your skin cell more energetic with super high in Omega 3 fats for improve body energy factors serve as the source of power for providing sufficient energy for the skin cell to manufacture youth-preserving substances for skin metabolism. 

6. 苹果干细胞Apple Stem Cell
Apple Stem Cells offer hope for aging and damaged skin. Scientists have found that a novel extract derived from the stem cells of a rare apple tree cultivated for its extraordinary longevity shows tremendous ability to rejuvenate aging skin. Clinical trials show that this unique formulation increases the longevity of skin cells, resulting in skin that has a more youthful and radiant appearance.

7. 桃提取物 Peach

Rich in many vital minerals such as potassium, fluoride and iron is required for red blood cell formation. Peach are also a moderate source of vitamin-A and ß-carotene. These compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various skin disease.

What is the difference between Blanc Pur and other whitening products?
1. 多功效 It has a lot of effect
消除黑色素 Elimate melanin
淡化雀斑,黑斑,褐斑,色斑 Lighten freckles, dark spots, brown spots, spots
淡化疤痕 remove scars
美白 whitening
均匀肤色 even the skin tone
皮肤滋润,保湿 moisturizing
淡化皱纹 reducing wrinkles
排毒 detoxification
改善皮肤敏感 improve the sensitive skin
加速新陈代谢 Speed up metabolism
紧致细嫩皮肤 Firming and make your skin tender
帮助身体产生三型胶原蛋白Help the body produce type III collagen
促进头发和指甲生长 stimulate hair and nail growth
改善贫血症状Improve symptoms of anemia
延缓更年期 Delay menopause
降低胆固醇水平 Reduce cholesterol levels
恢复肌肤弹性 Improve skin elasticity
防紫外线 Prevent UV Ray
加速伤口修复 speed up wound recovery
收缩毛孔minimize pores
提亮肤色Brighten skin
减少痘痘和淡化痘印 Reduce acne and acne marks

(Effective for whole body,not partial)
So, it is very suitable for people with these skins:
干燥和松弛肌肤Dry and loose skin
黑斑dark spots
老人斑 old spots
雀斑 freckles
细纹和皱纹 fine lines and wrinkles
暗沉肌肤 dull skin

2. 白宝龙有产品安全保障 。它还让公司获得了不少奖项。它也时常被刊登在报纸和杂志。
Cellglo Blanc Pur have product liability insurance. It also gets a lots of awards. It is also often published in newspapers and magazines.

SGS 认证 verification

HALAL 认证verification

KKM 认证verification

产品责任保险 Product Liability Insurance

 奖项 Awards 

它还被刊登在报纸和杂志 It is  published in newspapers and magazines.

3. 天然成分,全家可喝,无副作用,无化学成分 (孕妇和小孩都可以喝)Natural ingredients, whole family can drink, no side effects, no chemical ingredients (pregnant women and children can drink)

4. 不反弹  Not rebounding
If your skin already become white and smooth, don't need to drink anymore and will not rebound. As long as you don't go to the sun, your skin won't turn black so quickly.

5. 比美白丸,美白针,柠檬有效,这些东西都不能长期服用。看看它们的副作用吧!
It is more effective than whitening pills, whitening injection, and lemons. These things cannot be taken for a long time. Look at their side effects!

美白丸缺点 Disadvantage of Whitening pills 
美白丸副作用Side Effects of Whitening pills:
1、加重肾脏负担 Increase kidney burden
Because the content of vitamin C in whitening pills is very high, if it is taken too much, it will cause the urine to be yellow. This is because excessive vitamin C can not be absorbed by the body, which increases the burden of kidney detoxification.
2、服用有依赖性 Dependence
Because whitening pills must be taken for a long time to have an effect, but long-term use may make the body dependent. Once you stop taking whitening pills, or forget to eat whitening pills for a while, you will find your skin become dark and dull. Therefore, girls that can't be taken whitening pills continuously needs to be carefully selected to take whitening pills.
3、导致铅中毒 cause lead poisoning
那些黑心商家为了提高美白丸的使用功 效,通常都会添加铅的成分,让女人服用了后会很快的发现有美白的功效。这种美白效果很明显的美白丸都是含铅的,长期服用一定会导致铅中毒。而正规厂家出 售的美白丸通常都是无铅成分,但是效果不会立即看见,需要长期服用才会有美白效果。In order to improve the use of whitening pills, those black-hearted seller usually add lead ingredients, so that women will soon find whitening effects on their skin after taking them. This kind of whitening effect is very obvious, the whitening pills are all lead-containing, and long-term use will definitely lead to lead poisoning. The whitening pills sold by regular manufacturers are usually lead-free, but the effect is not immediately visible, and it takes a long-term use to have a whitening effect.
4、导致内分泌紊乱 Lead to endocrine disorders
Because whitening pills are an extra health supplement, long-term use of whitening pills can affect the body's own endocrine, which may lead to endocrine disorders, such as irregular menstruation. If there is a problem with endocrine disorders, it is best to go to the hospital for an endocrine or sex hormone test. If you have a problem with endocrine disorders, stop taking the whitening pills immediately to avoid more serious problems.

美白针缺点Disadvantage of whitening injection
美白针副作用whitening injection's side effect:

Excessive use of tranexamic acid in whitening needles: The use of tranexamic acid is dose-limiting, typically 2% to 3%.Because tranexamic acid achieves whitening effect by inhibiting the formation of melanin, while melanin protects our principle skin cancer, excessive use of tranexamic acid may cause skin cancer risk! In addition, tranexamic acid also has a coagulation effect. Therefore, before and after menstruation, it is best not to do whitening injection that containing tranexamic acid!
Excessive use of glutathione in whitening injection: Glutathione also has a strict dose limit when used, 323~646mg each time, 1~2 times a day. Also, there may be adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and rare rash.
Excessive use of vitamin C: Because humans cannot synthesize vitamin C, they need to be supplemented by food. The amount of vitamin C ingested can not be more or less, generally between 60mg and 1g. Excessive intake can lead to diarrhea, blood clotting and other symptoms, more than 5g per day, can also cause hemolysis, and even life-threatening. Lack of intake also can lead to scurvy.
The needle is not clean and is easy to cause disease:In the process of infusion, it must be kept clean and the needle can not be reused! A plastic surgeon in Taiwan do whitening injection at home. The needles were not clean and caused infection, and she almost died!
Someone once injected a whitening needle, and something went wrong! Disfigured!

美白针不适合一些人群Whitening injection is not suitable for some people:
1. 高血压者High blood pressure
Because the whitening injection contains acid, and the acid will cause blood coagulation, patients with cardiovascular disease should not use whitening injection for whitening, especially those with high blood pressure and high blood lipids should not use whitening injection.
2. 处于生理期间的女性 Female during physiological period
Women who are in a physiological period are weaker and have weaker resistance. The use of whitening needles may cause menstrual blood stasis, elimination of cleanliness, and even the risk of infection.
3. 孕妇 Pregnant woman
Whitening needles are super expensive! And you need to always go to do whitening injection. 

Lemon can whiten the skin, its whitening effect is not obvious. Want to whiten the skin, we cannot always drink lemon juice, because the acidity of lemonade is very high, especially easy to corrode enamel, causing dental problems. Moreover, when you are on an empty stomach, you can't drink a lot of lemon drinks, which can cause too much stomach acid and stomach pain. People with stomach problems can't drink lemons all the time, because drinking lemons can cause stomach problems to worsen.

白宝龙比美白针更有效美白的视频 Cellglo Blanc Pur is more effective than whitening injection
白宝龙比美白丸更有效美白的视频 Cellglo Blanc Pur is more effective than whitening pills
白宝龙比柠檬更有效美白的视频 Cellglo Blanc Pur is more effective than lemons

服用方法 How to drink Cellglo Blanc Pur:
一盒白宝龙有30包。3盒一个疗程。A box of Cellglo Blanc Pur has 30 packs. Three boxes for one treatment.
每天傍晚6点过后饮用。 首10天喝两包,接下来每天一包。Drinking Cellglo Blanc Pur after 6 o'clock every evening. Drink two packs for the first 10 days, then one pack a day.
*使用矿泉水冲泡 Drink with mineral water*
*水的分量没限定 (如果您想要它的味道淡,您就放多一点水;如果想要它的味道浓,就放少点水)
The amount of water is not limited (if you want it's taste not too sweet, you can put a little more water; if you want it's taste sweet, put less water)*
*孕妇小孩可以喝 Pregnant women and children can drink*

现在购买3盒【Cellglo Blanc Pur 白宝龙】有优惠价!


Buy 3 boxes Cellglo Blanc Pur now for a discount! Can also become a permanent member directly!

NOT ONLY that !
You can also participate in the Lucky Draw with a value of RM15,000!

最后提醒 Remind


You don't need to ask any Cellglo agent for the price at all, because the price of Cellglo products is FIXED PRICE within Malaysia.
You can see cheaper prices on other shopping platforms, so don't blame me for not reminding you, the company has issued a document saying that products purchased on Lazada, 11street, shopee and other shopping platforms are not recognized! It means that there is something wrong after you buy it, the company will not be responsible!

The sellers who usually sell the products at prices below Olicell Company authorised price are in order to clear the goods, and want to quickly sell the goods that are going to expire, otherwise you may not receive the goods when you buy the goods, and you can't find someone to do the after-sales service for you.

We are 100% qualified company, promise to give you the best and most professional service!

更多详情或咨询,欢迎Wechat/ Whatsapp/ SMS:0166469037 (Grace)
We are also recruiting wholesaler / agent / retailer 
For more information,please Wechat/ Whatsapp/ SMS:0166469037 (Grace)

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